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Sivananda Yoga by Arati


Sivananda Standard 90mins

Starting with a relaxation and a mantra, breathing practice, sun salutation, 12 basic asanas, finishing with a good deep relaxation and a mantra.

You will learn to control your body, mind, emotions and stress.


Gentle and energetic.


This whole session will clear your mind and make your vital energy shining like a rising sun !


Thursday 6:30-8:00am  Mondays Studio


Sivananda Yoga advanced 90mins

Relaxation, mantra, advanced breathing practice, sun salutation, 12 basic asanas and more variations, deep relaxation, mantra.


Tonic and a deep feeling of relaxation afterward.


Date and time are coming up soon!


Pranayama ( Breathing technics ) 60mins

In Sanskrit, Prana means subtle energy of the vital breath.

Control of the Prana leads to control of the mind. Breathing exercises are called Pranayamas, which means to control the Prana.


Date and time are coming up soon!

Private session 60mins/90mins

A customised session focusing on your needs and expectations.


Date and time are coming up soon!

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